Tips to Help Your Pet Overcome Back-to-School Blues
With the summer coming to an end and back-to-school season in full swing, it’s important to remember that our furry friends will also have to get used to the new routine this season brings. Our pets have enjoyed the company of their humans a lot more during the summer months and having them gone for long portions of the days can bring boredom at first.
In our blog post, we are sharing some of our tips to help your pet overcome back-to-school blues.

- Try to transition your pet's routine ahead of time
During the summer your pet might be used to mid-day walks, different feeding times, and play time throughout the day. However, during the school year, the routine may be more accustomed to morning walks, set feeding times, and after-school playtime. To ease the transition, try to replicate a back-to-school routine ahead of time by mimicking the walking, feeding, and playtime schedule that your pet can expect. - Keep safe mentally stimulating toys around
Since your pet might find themselves bored while the house is quieter, try to keep your pet happy with mentally stimulating toys. They can then play without a person being present. You can even leave an enrichment activity for your pet before leaving in the morning to keep them distracted from your absence. Ensure that anything left behind with a pet is safe! If you are not sure, check with your local retailer for safe ideas. - Arrange playdates
Social interaction can be very important for pets if they enjoy company of other animals. Make sure that you set up time aside for your pet to enjoy the company of their friends. If it’s accessible for you, consider a dog walker and/or doggy daycare so that your dog is able to get playtime and outdoor time during the day! - Don’t make a big deal about leaving or returning home
Sometimes by giving pets extra attention when leaving home, it can cause anxiety as they start to recognize repetition and the lonely result of it for the day. The same mistake can be done when returning home. You want to be calm and not make a fuss. - Create a cozy environment
Set up a cozy environment for your pet that they can enjoy throughout the day while you are gone. This can include a space with favourite toys to ease anxiety. For indoor cats, consider having a space where your cat can watch their favourite animals safely and comfortably near a window!
We hope this blog post helps you and your pets with the back-to-school transition! Remember that these changes take time and although your pet may feel anxious at first, staying consistent in routine will make all the difference!