5 Fun Fall Activities to Do With Your Pets
As the leaves change colours, and the air turns crisp, there’s no better time to spend quality moments with your beloved pets. Fall offers a variety of fun opportunities for both outdoor and indoor activities that you and your pets can enjoy together!
In our blog post, we are sharing 5 fun activities that you can do with your pet this fall.

1. Visit a Pet-Friendly Pumpkin Patch or Go Apple Picking
Pumpkin patches and apple-picking orchards are great family activities and some pumpkin patches even welcome pets. Take some time to look up available options in your area and explore these areas with your pet! If you opt for the Pumpkin patch, our next activity is one you can incorporate into your day!
2. Pumpkin Carving
It’s not fall unless you carve a pumpkin or two! Pumpkins can be a source of good fun for your pets. While you carve, be sure to save fresh pumpkin for your dog. Be sure to bake the pumpkin (just plain, nothing added) and feed it sparingly, adjusting quantities to your size dog. Fresh cooked pumpkin is packed with nutrients so your pet will be sure to enjoy this healthy snack! If you have a cat, you can get some small/mini pumpkins and roll them around with your cat as a toy!
3. Playing with Leaves
Raking leaves in your yard can be lots of fun for your kids and your dog! Create a big leaf pile and encourage your dog to jump in and mess it up! For cats, consider scattering a few leaves inside for them to chase and pounce on. If your cat is an outdoor cat, consider a smaller pile for them to play in!
4. Halloween Photoshoot
It’s not often you get to dress up your dog in a costume! Take the time this fall to have an awesome Halloween photoshoot with your pets and family members! They can be cute, or even a bit spooky! Either way, the photos are sure to provide some long-lasting memories!
5. Cozy up Indoors
On days when it's rainy, engage with your pets in indoor play sessions! Some pets also love watching movies, so pull up some Halloween classics that feature dog and cat characters! Movies such as Scooby-Doo, and Hocus Pocus are great options!
We hope this blog post helps you with some ideas of things to do with your pets this fall! Embrace the beauty of autumn, the antics of spooky season, and the quality time with your family and pet!